LRDI Exam Paper Pattern Syllabus - Apex
The LRDI section in CAT stands for Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. Most CAT aspirants find this section to be the toughest or to state it rightly, the most challenging among all the three sections. Only the most well-prepared candidates can crack it with confidence and ease under immense time pressure. CAT analysts also believe it to be the “Make or Break” section of the CAT exam. But what makes this section so challenging? The answer is pretty simple. There’s no defined syllabus to prepare for. Just like the VARC section, LRDI has no specific syllabus defined by the CAT conducting body (the IIMs). Hence, candidates usually struggle to find the right resources to aid them in their preparation journey.
If you’re a CAT aspirant then I’m pretty sure that you’ve been spending a lot of time looking for articles and blogs presenting the syllabus in a well-defined structure while also desperately expecting every kind of concept to be covered based on questions seen from past CAT papers. Now that you’re finally here, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Coz we’ve got you covered entirely! In this blog, you’ll be provided with everything that you need to know about the LRDI section of the mighty CAT, which will help you start your preparation right away without having to spend time collecting the perfect resources, constructing the perfect study plan, or looking for the perfect coaching institute.
In this blog, we’ll take you through the following content:
- LRDI: Paper Pattern + Marking Structure (based on CAT 2023)
- LRDI: Syllabus (For CAT)
- LRDI: Syllabus (For “Other Management Entrance Tests (OMET)”)
- Detailed 7 Month Study Plan to cover the entire syllabus including Mocks
As you can see, you’ll not have to move a finger! We’ve got you all covered through and through! So without further ado, let’s get started with the real stuff.
LRDI (Paper Pattern + Marking Structure)
Every section in the CAT exam is there for a reason. CAT is constructed in a way that ensures you have the basic qualities that a management student needs to be able to survive the intense curriculum of the top B-schools that prepare you to be world leaders and future managers. The LRDI section helps you develop critical thinking, problem-solving, effective reading comprehension, logical thinking ability, and the ability to understand and accurately interpret data through infographics like pie charts, bar graphs, etc.

Initially, the LRDI section consisted of two sets on Logical Reasoning and two sets on Data Interpretation. But observing the trend of recent years, the paper has included mixed sets demanding skills from both Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation together. This means that now a candidate has no choice but to be proficient in both areas, to avoid any surprises on the D-Day.
LRDI Syllabus Overview
Although we have differentiated topics separately for CAT and OMETs, it is important to note that since CAT is extremely unpredictable we cannot be sure of whether chapters presented under OMET syllabus will be excluded from CAT. Hence a candidate needs to be thoroughly prepared with every chapter under LRDI irrespective of the type of exam. The segregation of chapters into CAT and OMET versions of the syllabus is just to make it easier for candidates to follow a priority-based study approach. Your priority will be to complete chapters under the CAT version of the LRDI syllabus first, if you’re aiming for the Top IIMs.
The above-mentioned chapters have been frequently appearing in CAT over the years. Hence, it becomes pretty evident that a candidate must start their preparation journey by completing these chapters perfectly and ensuring that different kinds of questions and a plethora of them are practiced thoroughly. Once you’ve covered the CAT syllabus well in advance, you can then move on to the rest of the chapters given below for OMET (Other Management Entrance Exams) preparation.
Again, do not stick to just one exam, ensure that you cover all the chapters under LRDI irrespective of the type of exam to avoid any surprises on D-day. If you’re worried about where to find the right resources, we, at APEX, have got you covered. Let’s look at how APEX will help you in your journey before moving onto the detailed 7 Month Study Schedule.
YOUR JOURNEY WITH APEX (Everything we have to offer and what sets us apart from the others)
As an APEX student you’ll have access to detailed concept videos taking you from the very basic to the most advanced levels. You’ll be taught everything from scratch! Yes, you heard that right. Unlike most coaching institutes, APEX prepares you right from the fundamental level covering every single concept in detail ensuring you have perfect concept clarity because that is the only way one can ace an exam like CAT or even other management tests like SNAP, NMAT, XAT, MICA, Bank POs etc. In short, you’ll not have to worry about gathering the right resources or finding questions to practice online. Your only job will be to give your absolute best every single day. Our mentors will help you plan your preparation journey if you have a unique day to day schedule due to work, college or any reason for that matter. When in need, you will be mentored on creating a customized plan. Along with that, you will have access to detailed concept classes and the recordings will always be available online in case you had to skip a class. You will also be given well-structured textbooks that cover all the required concepts in the most basic language possible for easy understanding. You will have plenty of practice questions, concept tests, practice tests, mocks and sectionals to ensure you have more than enough questions and models to practice before the d-day. We also have a special platform that analyzes your performance and creates customized tests on areas that you find challenging to ensure you spend enough time on your weaknesses and improve upon your strengths through targeted practice tests.
Now that we’ve seen an overview of all the chapters that we need to cover, we’ll get into the “how and when” part of it through a detailed 7-month study plan. This 7-month study plan ideally ranges from March and goes on until September. October, November, and December are solely for giving entrance exams. In this stage, you’ll only focus on giving mocks and having a healthy daily routine ensuring enough sleep and time for relaxation to ensure you attend your D-Days in full form and a good physical and mental condition. You must be in a confident and relaxed state of mind to be able to navigate such challenging papers that require you to have good mental stamina. To do that you must ensure your body and mind have enough rest and are well prepared for battle. Do not take your health lightly as it may ultimately lead to underperformance or not being able to reach your full potential when it's finally time.
7-Month Preparation Plan for LRDI
In the initial stage, your job will be to familiarize yourself with the syllabus and all the chapters in a priority-based order. We’ll also focus on helping you develop your mental stamina and logical thinking ability through a specified number of daily practice sets and some logic-based games that you’ll do during your free time.

Keep in mind that during the Mock Phase, there won’t be too many changes in your schedule, instead the major challenge will be to keep yourself motivated even if your mock scores fluctuate. This is usually the most challenging time for an aspirant as they tend to get demotivated after looking at their mock scores even after intense preparation. Your job will be to just KEEP GOING! Do not give up. Instead, look at your mock scores as an opportunity for you to identify your weaker areas. If you think about it, mocks are an aspirant's best friend! They tell you exactly what you need to hear, whether you like it or not. But in that process, you get genuine feedback which will further help you improve on areas that require extra effort from your side so that you can ultimately do well on your D-day!
By the end of September, you’ll have finished the entire LRDI syllabus and have practiced enough sets through daily practice, mocks, and sectionals. Remember, hard work always pays off! As long as you know in your heart and soul that you’ve done your very best until the end, you will see results! We at APEX genuinely hope that this blog will help you find clarity and structure in your daily study schedule. Of course, you are always welcome to join us at APEX. We have a wonderful community of students and mentors who genuinely value your preparation journey and are willing to help you in every way we can! Be it personal mentoring or creating a personalized schedule to meet your needs, we are more than willing to be a part of your incredible success story! At APEX, you will be provided with everything you need for your preparation journey making it easier and efficient for you to spend your valuable time only on learning. APEX is looking forward to being a part of your journey!